Jody McCrea

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Jody McCrea (* 6. September 1934 as Joel Dee McCrea in Los Angeles , California ; † 4. April 2009 in Roswell , New Mexico ) was an American actor .


McCrea was born to actors Joel McCrea and Frances Dee . After completing his military service in the United States Army , he hosted a television program produced by the military that promoted voluntary entry into the army. He then studied acting at the University of California . From the mid-1950s he appeared in various feature films and television series . Between 1959 and 1960 he played one of the leading roles alongside his father in the series Wichita Town . He became known for his portrayal of the character "Bonehead" in a number of feature films in the 1960s.

McCrea retired from acting to his ranch in Roswell in 1970.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1956: The Hero of Texas
  • 1957: Alarm for exclusion zone 7
  • 1958: Too young
  • 1963: Detonation squad leather neck
  • 1964: The Law of the Outlaws
  • 1964: Pajama Party (Pajama Party)
  • 1965: Surf Beach Party
  • 1965: Sierra Charriba
  • 1966: The mad rockers from the Thunderstip
  • 1970: Scream when we die!

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