Johann Adolph Pöppelmann

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Johann Adolph Pöppelmann (born August 3, 1694 - † January 2, 1773 in Dresden ) was a German court painter.

The eldest son of the court architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and his wife Catharina Margaretha nee Stumpf stayed at the electoral Saxon court of Elector Friedrich August I from 1724 . Of his paintings, apart from the earlier altarpiece from the Matthäuskirche in Dresden, only the pulpit paintings of the Großröhrsdorf town church have survived. He was married to Anna Rosina (* around 1690, † January 10, 1766 in Dresden). Five of his children are known. The youngest son Johann David also became court painter at the Saxon royal court.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sächsische Zeitung of October 2, 2014, page 19