Johann Baptist Rusch

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Johann Baptist Rusch (born February 7, 1886 in Appenzell ; † November 24, 1954 in Bad Ragaz ) was a Swiss editor and conservative publicist .

From 1909 to 1911, Rusch was an editor at the Sarganserländer , from 1911 to 1917 an editor at the Aargauer Volksblatt and from 1918 to 1954 sole editor and owner of the publishing rights of the weekly newspaper Schweizerische Republican Blätter . In 1918 Rusch participated in the founding of the Association of Swiss Republicans , from which he distanced himself in 1924. He wrote historical and literary works.


  • Annetta Bundi : The Swiss Republican Papers by the conservative journalist JB Rusch: a rebellious voice in the Swiss forest of papers (1918–1945). Saint-Paul, 1999. 253 pages. ISBN 9783727812712

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Adrian Scherrer: Rusch, Johann Baptist. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .