Johann Christoph Welak

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Johann Christoph Welak (* around 1659 in Habelschwerdt , Grafschaft Glatz , †?) Was a Catholic clergyman and prior of the Benedictine order and local researcher .


Johann Christoph Welak entered the Braunau Abbey . Around 1712 he was appointed prior of Breunau by the abbot Othmar Daniel Zinke , who was then also the abbot of Breunau Abbey near Prague. During his tenure, the Abbey Church of St. Margaret was extensively renovated. The most renowned Bohemian baroque artists of the time were used for the design.

Johann Christoph Welak also dealt with local history and wrote a chronicle of his hometown Habelschwerdt.


  • Johann Christoph Welak: Chronicle of Habelschwerdt , quoted by Franz Volkmer in: Geschichte der Stadt Habelschwerdt , Frankes Buchhandlung, Habelschwerdt, 1897.