Johann David Nessenthaler

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Johann David Nessenthaler (* 1717 in Augsburg ; † 1766 there ) was a German draftsman and engraver , who was best known for his satirical representations.


Johann David Nessenthaler: The burned out student, around 1750

Johann David Nessenthaler was born in Augsburg in 1717 as the son of the engraver Georg David Nessenthaler and his wife Regina. Nothing is known about the artistic training; it can be assumed that the father was trained. In 1736 Johann David Nessenthaler appeared as an inventor. A printed flyer announces a drive he invented without water power for grinding, sawing, grinding and similar mills. Details or further inventions are not known. Johann David Nessenthaler worked as a draftsman and engraver until his death. He has often cooperated with the engraver and publisher Martin Engelbrecht .

In 1759 Nessenthaler got into trouble with the censors and was imprisoned. Following two petitions from his mother, he was released after being sentenced to 14 days in a workhouse. In the middle of the Seven Years' War, Nessenthaler had made an engraving in which all of Germany was on its knees begging the Prussian King, sitting on horseback, for peace. In response, the council expanded the censorship in a decree on all copperplate engravings made and traded in Augsburg. During the interrogation, Nessenthaler stated that he had acted out of financial difficulties. He has already moved the copper plate. The entire edition was confiscated. The printing industry was explicitly advised of the decree and the sentence.

Until his death in 1766, Nessenthaler produced numerous drawings, vignettes, single-sheet prints and copperplate engravings, including numerous sheets with content that was socially satirical and critical. At the high level of graphic production in Augsburg in the 18th century, Nessenthaler is technically in the second row. His satirical inventions are quite original and memorable.


  • The four temperaments , around 1750.
  • The newly opened Political Masquerade Ball of the War of the Pouissances in Germania , 1758.


Web links

Commons : Johann David Nessenthaler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Claus Peter Clasen: The Augsburger Grain Mills 1500-1800 . Verlag der Schwäbische Forschungsgemeinschaft, Augsburg 2000, p. 179.
  2. ^ Journal of the Historisches Verein für Schwaben , Volume 84, 1991, p. 79.