Johann Friedrich Heinrich Schnuphase

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Johann Friedrich Heinrich Schnuphase (* 1789 ; † 1870 ) was a Hanoverian soldier .

Rescue act and portrait

Schnuphase, saddle master of King George V , saved his blind sovereign in the battle of Langensalza on June 27, 1866 from a life-threatening situation. He was then portrayed by Conrad L'Allemand . The painting shows him in a red Marstall uniform in front of Herrenhausen Palace .

The picture was initially housed in Herrenhausen Palace. During the Second World War it was relocated and so survived the destruction of the palace in 1943 during the air raids on Hanover . It later hung in the Blue Salon of the Princely House of Herrenhausen . This palace was temporarily open to the public as a museum, but was then closed. A large part of the old castle inventory was sold by the Guelphs over time, but it seems unclear whether the snuff portrait is among the pictures sold.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alheidis von Rohr , The portraitist Conrad L'Allemand , in: Hans Dickel and Christoph Martin Vogtherr , Prussia. The art and the individual , Oldenbourg 2003, ISBN 978-3050037899 , p. 301 ff., Here p. 316