Johann Gustav Vogt

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Johann Gustav Vogt (born February 4, 1843 in Florence , † around 1920) was a German natural scientist and natural philosopher . Among other things, he taught at the University of Leipzig .

The monist Ernst Haeckel quoted his (now much less well-known) colleague JG Vogt mainly with regard to his ideas about electromagnetism and a universal ether . According to Haeckel and Vogt, mass and ether have both sensation and will, they “feel pleasure when there is compression , discomfort when there is tension ; they strive for the former and fight against the latter ”. Because of this worldview , the two are also referred to as hylozoistic natural philosophers.

After Friedrich Nietzsche had his idea of ​​the “ Eternal Second Coming ” in 1881 , he also read Vogt's work Die Kraft as part of natural philosophy studies . A real-monistic worldview (1878). In dealing with this work, among other things, Nietzsche later developed his doctrine of the “ will to power ”.

Johann Gustav was the brother of the legal scholar Gustav Vogt .


  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The power. A real, monistic worldview. Haupt & Tischler, Leipzig 1878.
    • Volume 1: The contraction energy: the ultimate, uniform mechanical form of action of the world substrate.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The mental activity of the human being and the mechanical conditions of the conscious expression of sensation on the basis of a uniform worldview. Lectures. 2nd Edition. Wiest, Leipzig 1889. (1st edition Schmidt, Leipzig 1887.)
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The essence of electricity and magnetism based on a uniform concept of substance (1891)
  • W. Beck: Electricity and its technology: a common understanding of the basic physical concepts and the practical application of electricity; plus an appendix: The essence of electricity and magnetism by JG Vogt. Published by Ernst Wiest Nachf, Leipzig 1896.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The principle of sensation and the protoplasm: based on a uniform concept of substance. Wiest, Leipzig 1891.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The Incarnation. Development of humans from the main series of primates and the justification of the wide gap between animals and humans ... Wiest, Leipzig 1892.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: A world and life view for the people. Leipzig 1892/93, 3 volumes:
    • Book 1: The human urges
    • Book 2: The Development of Humans as Carriers of Culture
    • Book 3: The Laws of Economic Development
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The emergence and decay of the world as a cosmic cycle due to the pyknotic concept of substance. 2nd, revised edition. Wiest, Leipzig 1901. (1st edition Gottwald, Leipzig 1889)
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The Realmonism; a scientific worldview with special consideration of the mental and life problem. Thuringian Publishing House, Leipzig 1908.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The absolute monism; a mechanistic worldview based on the pyknotic concept of substance. Thuringian Publishing House, Hildburghausen 1912.
  • Johann Gustav Vogt: The relativity theory of physics. Breitenbach, Brackwede 1914.


  • Martin Bauer: On the genealogy of Nietzsche's concept of force: Nietzsche's discussion with JG Vogt. In: Nietzsche Studies. Vol. 13, 1984, pp. 211-227.


  1. Ernst Haeckel: Die Weltträtsel (1899) , Chapter 12: The substance law
  2. see Rudolf Eisler dictionary of philosophical terms
  3. see Rudolf Eisler dictionary of philosophical terms