Johann Hake

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Johann Hake (* 1499 ; † January 17, 1579 ) was Chancellor of the Counts of Hoya in Nienburg / Weser .


Hake's origin is unknown. Apparently the family came from Holland . Robert Hacken, barber and court surgeon of the Counts of Hoya, is named as father in the family Bible of the Bispinger pastor Johann Michael Pflug, who descended from him. Around 1530 Johann Hake was appointed Chancellor of the county by Count Jobst II . During his 49-year term in office, he made particular contributions to the order of finances and the implementation of the Reformation, which had already been initiated in 1525 with the appointment of Adrian Buxschott to Nienburg. He died in 1579 and was buried in the southern sacristy of Martinskirche at the side of his wife Anna Garbroick († 1560). There is an epitaph in the south aisle of St. Martin's Church in Nienburg.
