Johann Heinrich Lobeman von Lohendal

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Johann Heinrich Lobeman von Lohendal (also: Johann Heinrich Lobemann or Johann Heinrich von Lohendal ; * March 24, 1671 , † 1746 in Rendsburg ) was a Holstein-Gottorfischer general .


He was lord of the noble estate Mehlbek . His first wife was Dorothea Margrethe von der Lühe (1678-1716), with whom he had a daughter. After her death, on September 17, 1721, he married Ida Magdalena von Ahlefeldt (1691–1762), the daughter of the Royal District Administrator Detlev Siegfried von Ahlefeldt . This marriage resulted in two children. Johann Heinrich Lobeman enjoyed an excellent upbringing, later served in the Gottorfish service and was Royal War Commissioner, Budget and Conference Councilor and General. In 1720 he was ennobled by King Frederick IV of Denmark and Norway under the name Lohendal and raised to the nobility. He was the progenitor of the noble family von Lohendal.


  • Louis von Ahlefeldt, Wulf August von Rumohr Drilles: The Schleswig-Holstein knighthood. A contribution to the nobility history of Germany and Denmark. Book 1: The von Ahlefeldt family. Heiberg, Schleswig 1869, p. 18 ( digitized version ).