Johann Jakob Bausch

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Johann Jakob Bausch (born July 25, 1830 in Groß- Süßen ; Oberamt Geislingen, Württemberg; † February 14, 1926 in Rochester (New York) ) was a German-American optician .

As the sixth child of a baker, he emigrated to the USA in 1850 and moved to Rochester via New York and Buffalo in search of work, where he opened his optician's shop J. J. Bausch, Optician , in the Reynolds Arcade in 1853 . This later resulted in Bausch & Lomb .


  • Pictures of life from Swabia and Franconia, Volume 9, Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1963, p. 374f
  • Schneiderhan: A sweet industrial pioneer in the USA
  • Burkhardt: On the history of the Bausch family in Süßen
  • Vatter: From Filstal to Lake Ontario (JJBausch)

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