Johann Täntzer

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Johann Täntzer

Johann Täntzer (* 1633 in Electoral Saxon ; † January 13 or 14, 1690 in Frederiksberg , Denmark) was a German hunting writer .


Little is known about the life of Johann Täntzer, although he was the author of the largest and most independent hunting book in German of the 17th century. As he himself writes in his book, he seems to come from a family of hunters in Electoral Saxony and initially seemed to have taken up the hunter's profession. Afterwards, according to the information in his book, he was also commercially active. From 1677 he seems to have sought an official position as a wolf hunter in Jutland , the realization of which probably failed due to intrigues directed against him. The following year he appears as a bird catcher at Jaegersborg . Nevertheless, he was probably quite wealthy at the time, as he raised the considerable funds for the publication of his work himself. Between 1682 and 1687, the chamber accounts of Christian V's court record various services that Täntzer performed for him. With effect from March 31, 1683 he was appointed inspector of the wilderness on old and new Amager ; for which he received a salary of 150 thalers a year. From 1689 he is listed as one of the court servants of Crown Prince Friedrich . In this position he was responsible for birds, hares and rabbits on both Amagers .

He died on January 13 or 14, 1690 and was buried on January 16 in Frederiksberg Cemetery.


  • The Diana high and low hunting secrets, in which the whole of hunting science can be found in detail. 3 parts. Neuhoff, Copenhagen 1682–1689 (part 1 1682; part 2 1686, part 3 1689; various reprints and reprints; the editions 1682–89 Copenhagen are listed as a 1st edition, 1699 Copenhagen as the 2nd edition; 1734 Leipzig, Weidmann , represents the 3rd edition)


  • Kurt Lindner, German hunting writer, Volume 1, Walter de Gruyter, 1964

Individual evidence

  1. Kurt Lindner in: Deutsche Jagdschriftsteller, Volume 1, Walter de Gruyter, 1964, p. 80 (limited preview on Google Books)
  2. Kurt Lindner in: Deutsche Jagdschriftsteller, Volume 1, Walter de Gruyter, 1964, p. 88f - with further references (limited preview on Google Books)
  3. ^ Book in Google Books