Johann Wilhelm Schmitz

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Johann Wilhelm Schmitz (born April 1, 1774 in Cologne , † January 19, 1841 ibid) was from 1822 to 1825 vicar capitular for the part of the Archdiocese of Cologne on the right bank of the Rhine .


1793 to 1812

Johann Wilhelm Schmitz joined the Deutz Benedictine Abbey in 1793 . Under the religious name Stephanus he was ordained as a subdeacon there in 1795 . On the September 23, 1797 deacon ordained, followed on 24 December of the same year, the ordination . On December 18, 1801 Schmitz was for three years a lecturer of theology and philosophy approved . As a result of the abolition of the Deutz Abbey in the course of secularization , this position came to an early end. On September 1, 1804 Schmitz received the license to confess from laypeople for a period of seven years and that of nuns for three years.

1812 to 1825

In 1812 Johann Hermann Joseph von Caspars zu Weiss appointed Johann Wilhelm Schmitz as his secretary. Caspars was the vicar capitular of the part of the old archdiocese of Cologne administered by Deutz on the right bank of the Rhine. In 1816 Schmitz was elevated to the position of apostolic protonotary . During his lifetime Caspars appointed him as his successor as vicar capitular; he was authorized to do so by a papal power of attorney issued on February 13, 1820. Schmitz held this position from August 15, 1822 until the arrival of the new Archbishop Ferdinand August von Spiegel . In 1825 he refused the cathedral frieze that was offered to him.


  • Handbook of the Archdiocese of Cologne. 21st edition, JP Bachem, Cologne 1911, XLV u. Note 3.
  • Jakob Torsy: The regular clergy in the Cologne diocese protocols. 1661-1825. Part 1, (= Studies on Cologne Church History, Ed. Historical Archive of the Archdiocese of Cologne , 18) Franz Schmitt, Siegburg 1985, ISBN 3-87710-105-4 , p. 107 C 314, p. 292 H 331.

Individual evidence

  1. Herbert M. Schleicher (arrangement): 80,000 death notes from Rhenish collections. Volume IV Pr-Va. (Publications of the West German Society for Family Studies , Cologne, New Series, No. 42). Cologne 1989, p. 352.
  2. a b c d e Handbook of the Archdiocese of Cologne
  3. a b Jakob Torsy: The regular clergy in the Cologne diocese protocols. 1661-1825 . 1st chapter.