Johannes Altenberend

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Johannes Altenberend (* 1952 ) is a German historian.

Altenberend grew up in Steinheim and studied at Bielefeld University after graduating from high school. He became a teacher of history, politics and religion at high schools in Bielefeld and became a senior teacher. For five years he taught as a didactic specialist at Bielefeld University and is Dr. phil. From 2004 to 2019 he was chairman of the "Historical Association for the County of Ravensberg". His list of publications includes essays, school books ("Germany after 1945. Division and unity in the international field of forces"), editorships (e.g. the Festschriften for Heinrich Rüthing and Reinhard Vogelsang) and his dissertation on Leander van Eß. He is the father of three children.

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