Johannes Bockenheim

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BNF, fonds latin 7054 (15th century), No. 28:
Ad praeparandum agnum paschalem / For the preparation of the Easter lamb

Johannes Bockenheim (also Bockenheym , de Buckenheim ; actually Johannes Herbordi ) was a cleric from Bockenheim in the Palatinate, who served as a cook at the court of Pope Martin V , held various church offices in the dioceses of Worms and Mainz and a recipe book registrum coquine (around 1430 or between 1431 and 1435).

Bockenheim was one of the few Germans who took Martin V into his service in the days after his election and coronation at the Council of Constance . On December 1, 1417 he was sworn in as cocus coquine communis palacii apostolici according to the evidence of the papal register and thus seems to have been responsible for the court and the guests in the general kitchen, not for the pope himself in the personal kitchen, even if he called himself the Pope's cook ( cocus domini Martini pape Quinti ). In the following years he applied, often successfully, for numerous German benefices and ecclesiastical offices, and on the basis of the sources preserved it is not entirely certain whether he accompanied Martin to Rome at all or stayed behind in Germany.

The registrum coquine has been preserved in two manuscripts, one of which is in the French National Library (BNF, fonds latin 7054) and the second is privately owned and is now in Sorengo . The book was apparently written in Latin for personal use. It contains 74 recipes, each of which briefly describes the preparation of the dish, specifying the ingredients, but without specifying the quantity and time, and also specifying the social group or nation for which the dish is particularly suitable, with the guests being the most popular among the nations German countries make up a very large proportion.

Example (recipe no.5):

Sic prepara carnes bovinas. Recipe et lava bene ut prius; et fac illas bene bulire. Et mitte superius anetum viridum, aut cepas, cum sale, et zapharano, cum modico aceto. Et erit bonum pro Almanis.
How to prepare beef: take it and wash it thoroughly as previously described; and let it cook through well. Add fresh dill, or onions, with salt and saffron and a little vinegar. And it will be good for the Germans.


  • Bruno Laurioux: Le Registre de cuisine de Jean de Bockenheim, cuisinier du pape Martin V. In: Mélanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome, Moyen Âge Temps modern, 100.2 (1988), pp. 709-760.
  • Giovanna Bonardi: Giovanni Bockenheym, La cucina di Papa Martino V. Mondadori, Milan 1995 (= Passepartout, 32).


  • Bruno Laurioux: De Jean de Bockenheim à Bartolomeo Scappi: ciusinier pour le pape entre le XVe et le XVIe siècle. In: Armand Jamme, Olivier Poncet: Offices et papauté (XIVe - XVIIe siècle): charges, hommes, destins. École Française de Rome, Rome 2005 (= Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 334), pp. 303-332

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