Johannes Brandenberg

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Johannes Brandenberg (born May 20, 1661 in Zug ; † September 26, 1729 there ) was a Swiss Baroque painter .


Brandenberg came from Zug. He was the son of the painter and tailor Thomas Brandenberg. In 1683 he married Maria Katharina Kloter. He completed his first apprenticeship with his father. In 1680 he joined the St. Luke Brotherhood in Zug and then spent years traveling ( Innsbruck , Mantua ). From 1682 to 1686 and from 1711 to 1718 he worked at Einsiedeln Abbey : there he created a. a. Ceiling paintings in the confessional chapel, the painting of the refectory as well as ceiling and wall paintings for the abbot's chapel. From 1692 to 1694 he created altar and ceiling paintings for the Beromünster collegiate church , and in 1723 the high altar for the St. Klara monastery church in Stans. Other of his works are the facade painting on the so-called Brandenberghaus in Zug and the Aarau Town Hall , the ceiling painting of the Zuger Liebfrauenkirche and the ceiling painting of the music hall in Zurich's Fraumünster . Brandenberg also carried out commissions as a portrait painter. During the Second Villmerger War he was in command of St. Andreas Castle in Cham. Brandenberg follows the classical direction of Italian baroque painting.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tapan Bhattacharya: Johannes Brandenberg. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . June 7, 2004 , accessed October 4, 2019 .
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