Johannes Jacobus Dodt van Flensburg

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Johannes Jacobus Dodt van Flensburg , actually Jen Jensen Dodt , (born March 8, 1795 in Flensburg , St. Marien; † August 25, 1847 in Utrecht ) was a German-speaking teacher, librarian, and math and church historian who worked in Utrecht. His main work was the seven-volume Archief voor kerkelijke en wereldsche geschiedenissen inzonderheid van Utrecht (archive for ecclesiastical and secular history) in which he processed the entire manuscripts of the library. Dodt grew up in Flensburg as the son of a cooper and later a council cellar tenant and was the first in his family to go to Latin school. He later studied law at the University of Kiel and passed his exams in Gottorf in 1820.

Dodt gave himself the nickname of his hometown in Holland, where he went as a private tutor. He was a teacher at the municipal high school in Utrecht and a lecturer at the Hoogeschool Utrecht and from 1828 assistant in the university library, where he compiled the catalog.

He published numerous articles on the history of the Netherlands, including on mathematicians such as Simon Stevin , Willebrord Snellius and Ludolph van Ceulen .


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