Johannes Ludwig (architect, 1815)

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The Villa Planta, today the Bündner Kunstmuseum in Chur, built in 1874/1875
The armory, today the Grand Council building, in Chur, built 1861–1863

Johannes Ludwig (born November 23, 1815 ; † July 4, 1888 in Chur ) was a Swiss architect .

Live and act

Johannes Ludwig, who lived in Chur and was councilor there, had probably trained himself from a bricklayer and carpenter to a master builder. His field of activity extended beyond Graubünden , where he created works in Chur, Thusis and Davos, in the Engadin and in the Prättigau. He also built buildings in Glarus - he was one of the busiest architects after the devastating city ​​fire of 1861 - and on the northern Italian lakes, such as the Grand Hotel Bellagio on Lake Como.

His main work was the Villa Planta , a stately home located on the outskirts of Chur for the cosmopolitan cotton industrialist and merchant Jacques Ambrosius von Planta, who had returned from Egypt. The rich furnishings, spatial arrangement with the central, domed atrium and precious facade decorations caused a sensation and were professionally recognized.

Works (selection)

  • Armory, Chur, 1861–1863
  • Catholic rectory, Glarus, 1862
  • Reformed rectory, Glarus, 1862
  • Riding hall, Chur, 1864
  • Villa Planta, Chur, 1874–1876
  • State and bank building, Chur, 1877–1878
  • Barracks, Chur, 1880–1887


  • Leza Dosch: Ludwig, Johannes . In: Isabelle Rucki and Dorothee Huber (eds.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland - 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 . P. 350 f.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Necrology: Ludwig, Johannes . In: Schweizerische Bauzeitung . tape 12 , no. 2 , 1888, p. 14 ( ).
  2. Villa Planta in Chur . In: The Railway . tape 16 , no. 1 , 1882, p. 1 ff ., doi : 10.5169 / seals-10211 .