Johannes Petreus

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Johannes Petreus , German: Petersen , (* around 1540 in Holdenis-Brarup ; † 1603 in Odenbüll on Nordstrand ) was a pastor and chronicler.

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Johannes Petreus was a son of the carpenter Peter Hansen (* before 1510 in Töstrup , since 1530 living in Flensburg , † July 5, 1580) and his wife Margareta, who died in 1579. He spent his childhood in Flensburg and in 1560 attended a school in Magdeburg . Presumably from 1561 he studied theology at the University of Wittenberg and finished his studies in March 1565.

After completing his studies, Petreus moved to Evesbüll on Nordstrand with Johannes Harsen, a friend from school and university . Harsen († March 12, 1600), who came from Evesbüll, owned an important library, which formed the basis for the Catalogus vetustus , which contains information on abandoned churches in North Frisia. Harsen's father found Petreus a pastor in Odenbüll, where he worked for life.

According to the vast majority of sources, Petreus died in 1605. Sometimes the year 1603 is also recorded, which seems more likely due to the plague that was rampant during this time. There is evidence that he was still writing in 1602; In 1604 his son took over his pastor.


On June 8, 1566, Petreus married Catharina (* 1534), whose father Laurens Hinrichsen came from Evensbüll and who was a widow of the pastor Friedrich Detlefsen in Hersbüll . The couple had three daughters and two sons. Of these children, only Johannes Petreus (* March 25, 1567; † 1624) survived, who became a deacon in Evensbüll in 1593 and took over from his father around 1604. The three subsequent generations of sons also worked as pastors.

Catharina Petreus died on July 18, 1582. One year later, Johannes Petreus remarried a woman of the same first name (* 1562), whose father Matthias Petersen Pomereing was pastor in Evensbüll. From this marriage there were two daughters and one son.


Petreus wrote annals of the old north beach covering the period from 1565 to 1597. From 1597 he wrote the Korte Beschrivinge des Lendlins Nordstrand , for which he used large parts of the previously created annals. In addition to the actual description, the work contains a representation of the topography. In addition, Petreus reported on churches, schools, the government and administration. Then he added a chronicle. For the history up to 1565 this consisted mostly of documents and then of a chronicle.

The oldest map of Northern Beach can also be found in Petreus' description . This is interesting for studies of cultural history and the most important evidence of the legal history of the region since the Siebenharden sieben . The chronicler Anton Heimreich took a lot of information from Petreus' work.


  • Dieter Lohmeier: Petreus, Johannes . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 4. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1976, pp. 189-190
  • Reimer Hansen: Johannes Petreus writings about north beach . 1901 (unchanged reprint 2014)