Johannes Rauss

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Johannes Rauss in the regalia of the Order of Michael

Johannes Rauss , better known by his Spanish name, Juan Raus de Baviera (born  August 16, 1778 in Unterwaldach; † August 6, 1833 in Unterwaldach ), was a German-Mexican landowner and entrepreneur who at the beginning of the 19th century Mexico emigrated and made a considerable fortune there.


Raus (s) was born as the first of ten children of the Black Forest landowner Christian Raus from the Swabian family of Raus von Rausenbach . Due to the precarious economic situation of his family, he made a trip at the beginning of the 19th century that took him to Mexico. Although he did not originally plan to emigrate, he toyed with the idea of ​​staying in Mexico longer. Thanks to his friendship with José Fernando Ramírez, he made connections with figures from influential circles in Mexican society. He was involved in various companies and gained a not insignificant fortune. His German origins gave him access to the management level of the country. For his services he was awarded the title Duque de Mérida (German: Duke of Merida) by Emperor Agustín I in 1822 and in 1823 the title Duque de Rausenbach (German: Herzog von Rausenbach). After the emperor's abdication and execution in 1823, he lived in seclusion in Mérida on the Yucatán peninsula . When the Mexican decree, called Ley del Caso , was issued in 1833 , he returned to his German homeland for fear of reprisals, where he died that same year.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fundación Casa ducal de Rausenbach (Foundation of the ducal house Rausenbach): Archivo de la casa y de la familia (house and family archive).
  2. ^ Imperial Mexican decree of July 21, 1822