Johannes V. Weiler

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Johannes Weiler († 1636 or 1637) was a German Roman Catholic clergyman and the 36th abbot of Marienstatt Abbey . His abbatiat went from 1633 to 1636.

Live and act

Johannes Weiler was born in Andernach . It is unclear when he entered Marienstatt. It is documented that he took part in the election of his predecessor Adolf Stroitz (abbot between 1623 and 1633) on August 5, 1623 and was thus already a member of the convent. It is also known that he was a Zellerar in Marienstatt in 1624. He was also subprior , when exactly, but is not known. Moreover, he was for a time Father and Confessary in Drolshagen , he wrote to his predecessor on April 16, 1627 from there.

His abbiat was shaped by the Thirty Years' War : His election as abbot did not take place in Marienstatt, as the convent had to flee because of the occupation by the Swedes. His abbot election was carried out on April 28, 1633 in the Marienstatter Hof in Andernach . Even after his election, the abbot could not return to Marienstatt: On July 30, 1633, the abbey was fiscally taken over by the Swedes. Also the escape of the Marienstatter in Cologne area to Andernach and the election there was interpreted negatively by the Swedes. On October 19, 1633 the abbey was taken by the Swedish representative Goswin Grimme . The Swedes had already conquered Dorchheimer Hof the day before. In the abbey all valuables were confiscated and the abbey was placed under "guard".

An exact date of death is not known, it must have been 1636 or 1637.


  • Gilbert Wellstein: The Cistercian Abbey Marienstatt in the Westerwald. 1955.
  • The Cistercian Abbey of Marienstatt. The dioceses of the ecclesiastical province of Cologne. The Archdiocese of Cologne 7. Volume 14

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Germania Sacra: Register of persons - "Johannes V. Weiler". In: Germania Sacra. Germania Sacra, February 4, 2018, accessed on February 4, 2018 .
  2. ^ Germania Sacra: Germania Sacra - monasteries and monasteries of the Old Kingdom. In: Germania Sacra - Monasteries and monasteries of the Old Kingdom. Germania Sacra - Monasteries and Abbey of the Old Kingdom, February 4, 2018, accessed on February 4, 2018 .