John Bachtell

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John Bachtell (born March 26, 1956 in Yellow Springs , Ohio ) is an American politician ( CPUSA ) and trade unionist. He was chairman of the party from the 30th CPUSA congress in June 2014 to the 31st CPUSA congress in June 2019. Before that he was, among other things, chairman of the KPUSA in Illinois .


He studied political science in his hometown at Antinoch College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1978. He has lived in Chicago since August 1978 .

After the 30th congress, which took place in Chicago between June 13 and 15, 2014 , Bachtell took over the office of chairman of the CPUSA from Sam Webb , after he had led the party for 14 years in this office. Before his election, he was chairman and a member of the party's central committee in the state of Ohio.

An article in Political Affairs magazine published the new chairman's analysis as of today. This read as follows:

In the current situation, the Communist Party is striving for a peaceful transition to socialism as long as this is possible. The country has a long democratic tradition that is becoming increasingly important. The fight is to be carried out in the electoral arena and majorities to be won through a broad anti-racist, anti-monopoly coalition. Experience from countries like Venezuela could be a useful example here.

On June 29, 2019, Bachtell's five-year tenure as chairman of the CPUSA ended at the party's 31st conference in Chicago, where he was replaced by Rosanna Cambron and Joe Sims .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b John Wojcik: CPUSA's 30th National Convention examines challenges facing the nation. In: People's World. Long View Publishing Co., Inc., June 18, 2014, accessed April 7, 2020 .
  2. ^ A b John Wojcik, CJ Atkins: US Communists-elect new leaders to begin party's second century. In: People's World. Long View Publishing Co., Inc., June 25, 2019, accessed April 7, 2020 .
  3. John Bachtell on the CPUSA website (English)
  4. Facebook profile John Bachtell (English)
  5. People's World (English)
  6. ^ Elections, the State - Reform and Revolution June 23, 2014