John Ferguson (Mayor)

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John Ferguson (* before 1815, † 1832 ) was an American politician . In 1815 he was Mayor of New York City .


The sources on John Ferguson are poor. What is certain is that he lived in New York City at least for a time and was politically an opponent of DeWitt Clinton . He was also a senior member of the Tammany Hall Society . In 1815 he was elected Mayor of New York City by the Council of Appointment . He held this office for three months between March and June of that year. Until 1898, the urban area of ​​New York essentially extended to what is now Manhattan . Some historians believe that from the outset, Ferguson had no intention of holding the office of mayor for long. Rather , he was interested in the higher-paid post of overseer over the New York harbor , which he then took. The office of mayor then fell to Jacob Radcliff , who held it from 1810 to 1811. After that, Ferguson's trail is lost again.

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predecessor Office successor
DeWitt Clinton Mayor of New York City
Jacob Radcliff