Jonas Winterhalter

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Jonas Winterhalter (born September 14, 1985 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) is a German jazz musician ( trumpet , composition and orchestra leader).

Winterhalter was already fascinated by the trumpet in primary school; At the age of ten he began with very broad stylistic lessons on the instrument. He became a member of the school big band and other ensembles. The American jazz trumpeter Gary Barone taught him jazz and improvisation. In 2007 he began his instrumental studies at the Hochschule für Musik Basel with Matthieu Michel , Bert Joris and Adrian Mears . In 2008 and 2009 he was selected for the DKSJ All-Star-Project and toured under the direction of Alexander von Schlippenbach and Guillermo Klein respectively . In addition, he received arranging lessons from Lars Lindvall , Guillermo Klein and Bert Joris.

Wintertaler founded his own 19-member Jonas Winterhalter Big Band , with which he released the studio album Eleven Things to Say on Neuklang in 2017 . He also worked in the Sarah Chaksad Orchestra, the Lars Lindvall Big Band, the Combo Tree Neye , the band Neighborship and Janto's Oktaeder .

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