Jorgos Panetsos

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Jorgos Panetsos ( Greek Γιώργος Πανέτσος Giorgos Panetsos ; * in Athens ) is a Greek concert guitarist , born on May 12, 1961 in Athens.


Panetsos studied classical guitar at the Athens National Conservatory . At the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, he continued his studies with Luise Walker , where he received his concert diploma. He then took part in master classes with David Russel and Oscar Ghiglia in Siena (Diploma die merito). He has appeared as a soloist with the Vienna Chamber Orchestra , the Municipal Orchestra of Caracas, the Philharmonic Orchestra Kielce (Poland), the "Zilina Slovak Sinfonietta", the 1st Austrian Women's Chamber Orchestra . His concert activities included a. a. to the USA, China, Venezuela, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, India, Thailand. He played in the Wiener Musikverein, Wiener Konzerthaus, Auditorio Conte Duke in Madrid, Brucknerhaus in Linz and gave in the festivals and concert series Jeunesse Musicale, Festival El Hatillo - Caracas, Bonn Master Concerts, Beijing International Guitar Festival, Liechtenstein Guitar Days, International Guitar Symposium Iserlohn, Schweinfurter Seminars, Börsteler guitar seminars, solo recitals, master classes and lectures. He appeared on Austrian, French, Polish, Venezuelan and Cypriot radio and television, and in 2009 his concert in San Sebastian was broadcast live on the Internet.

Jorgos Panetsos teaches at the Conservatory Vienna Private University , at the Conservatory for Music and Dramatic Art in Vienna and was a juror at international competitions. At the Institute for Music Psychology at the University of Vienna he taught music psychological aspects of instrumental playing for five years, he gave master classes as a guest lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz , at the Music University Madison (USA), at the music academies in Bratislava and Rostock, at the Central Conservatory in Beijing (China) as well as at international festivals.

Jorgos Panetsos is the artistic director of the Forum Guitar Vienna Festival.

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