José de Valdivielso

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José de Valdivielso (* around 1560 in Toledo , † June 19, 1638 in Madrid ) was a Spanish poet and playwright .


José de Valdivielso embarked on a clerical career and became a chaplain in Toledo. His friends included the Spanish poets Miguel de Cervantes and Lope de Vega . In his literary work he devoted himself only to religious subjects. He wrote under the title Vida, excelencias y muerte del gloriosísimo patriarca y esposo de Nuestra Señora San Ioseph (Toledo 1604; new edition in Biblioteca de Autores Españoles 29, 1854) an epic poem on St. Joseph, which is one of the most widely read works of the Spanish Baroque counts. He also wrote sacred poetry and fifteen autos sacramentales in a simple style .

Other works (selection)

  • Primera parte del romancero espiritual , Toledo 1612
  • Sagrario de Toledo , heroic poem, Madrid 1616
  • Doce autos sacramentales y dos comedias divinas , Toledo 1622


  • Valdivielso, José de. In: Gero von Wilpert (Hrsg.): Lexicon of world literature. Vol. 1: Authors, 3rd edition, Alfred Kröner Verlag, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-520-80703-3 , p. 1552.


  1. Valdivielso, José de. In: Gero von Wilpert (Hrsg.): Lexicon of world literature. 3rd edition, p. 1552.