Joseph Vendryes

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Joseph Vendryes (born January 13, 1875 in Paris , † January 30, 1960 ) was a French linguist and religious scholar .


After studying with Antoine Meillet , he became a professor at the École pratique des hautes études , where he held the chair for Celtic languages and literatures . He founded the magazine Études celtiques and was a member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres .

His work on language, a linguistic introduction to history, first published in 1921, as well as his introduction to the religion of the Celts , which appeared in the religious history book series Mana , have attracted widespread attention.


«Le langage […] is an acte physiologique en ce qu'il met en œuvre plusieurs organes du corps humain. C'est un acte psychologique en ce qu'il suppose l'activité volontaire de l'esprit. C'est un acte social en ce qu'il répond à un besoin de communication entre les hommes. Enfin, c'est un fait historique, attesté sous des formes très variées […]. » Le Langage, introduction linguistique à l'histoire , 1921 (réédition Albin Michel, 1968).

Speech is a physiological act because it uses several organs in the human body. It is a psychological act because it presupposes the voluntary activity of the mind. It is a social act as it fulfills a need for communication between people. After all, it is a historical fact attested to in very different forms. - Le Langage, introduction linguistique à l'histoire. 1921.
