Jovnna-Ánde Vest

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Jovnna-Ánde Vest (born June 14, 1948 in Utsjoki , Finland ) is a Sami-speaking writer from Finland.

life and work

Jovnna-Ánde Vest grew up in the small village of Roavesav near the Norwegian border in the municipality of Tana . His debut novel Čáhcegáddái nohká boazobálgis ( The Reindeer Trail Ends on the Bank ), published in 1988, received two publishing awards . When it appeared, there was a discussion about the genre, whether the story about his father should be read as a fiction or a true story. “Vest tries to grasp the core of the oral narrative form, which is based on the relationship between what is told and the truth. In literary speech he fictionalized the historical material, which is why he was able to shape events, people and time as well as the narrative perspective in a different way than in the memoir literature or in oral discourse . "

The themes of his two subsequent novels Kapteainna ruvsu ( The Captain's Rose , 1991) and Eallinbihtát ( Splinters of Life , 1992) include the loss of identity and violence caused by racism through emigration .

His trilogy Árbbolaččat consists of three novels published in 1996, 2002 and 2005. The third volume ( Árbbolaččat goalmmát oassi ) was translated into Swedish with the title Arvingarna III ( The Heirs III ) and was nominated for the 2006 Nordic Council Literature Prize. The action, which runs from the late 1950s to the early 1980s, is set in the remote Sami village of Máhtebáiki on the Finnish side of the Deatnu River. Vest describes how the great changes of time are affecting the way of life and conditions of the residents and how people are trying to cope with them.

Vest writes in Northern Sami . He writes articles on North Sami topics and also works as a translator. The author has lived in Paris for a long time.


  • 1988: Čáhcegáddái nohká boazobálggis
  • 1991: Kapteainna ruvsu
  • 1992: Eallinbihtát
  • 1996: Árbbolaččat 1
  • 2002: Árbbolaččat 2
  • 2005: Árbbolaččat 3
  • 1988: Vabaek Maliaraq: Katrine muitalus
  • 2011: Rosa Liksom : Ovtta ija bissehat


  • Vuokko Hirvonen: Saami Literature . In: Scandinavian literary history . Metzler, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-476-01973-X .
  • Lill Tove Fredriksen: Depicting a Sámi Society Between Tradition and Modernization. The Strategies of Coping in Jovnna-Ánde Vest's Trilogy Árbbolaccat . Septentrio Academic Publishing, Universitetsbiblioteket Tromsø 2010.
  • Jovnna-Ánde Vest . In: Sámi leksikon internehtas . [1] (Internet access on April 14, 2912)
  • Sigbjørn Skåden: Jovnna Ande Vest . In: north. De nordiska länderas officiella samarbete . [2]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vuokko Hirvonen: Saamische literature . In: Scandinavian literary history . Metzler, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-476-01973-X , page 456