Jozef Kapustka

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Jozef Kapustka

Józef Kapustka (* 1969 in Tarnów , Poland ) is a Polish concert pianist. He lives in Paris , France.


At the age of only three, Józef Kapustka received music lessons from the local teacher Danuta Cieslik at his birthplace. Later he briefly studied at the State University of Music in Cracow with Ewa Bukojemska. He received his doctorate from the Juilliard School in New York (BM 1992) with grade A, where he studied piano with Josef Raieff, with his learning method, which was taken over from Franz Liszt ; This was followed by Jerome Lowenthal and chamber music with Joseph Fuchs and a Postgraduate Advanced Studies Diploma in piano from the Royal Academy of Music in London (1997, piano with Martin Roscoe and musicology with Amanda Glauert). He continued to improve his skills in master classes with Dmitri Bashkirov under the auspices of the La Reina Sofia School of Music in Madrid and Vera Gornostaeva in Paris and Moscow . As a former student of the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, CA he also holds a "diplome superieur" from the Paris University of Sorbonne (1994). He is one of the few recipients of the Grand Prix des Conservatoire International de Musique de Paris (1992), originally founded by Maurice Ravel and Gabriel Fauré.


Although Józef Kapustka never took part in a major competition, he is an internationally active concert pianist (he has performed in almost all European countries, including Russia; USA (several appearances at Lincoln Center 1989–1992, Juilliard IBM concert series, Carnegie Hall 1998, United Nations at the invitation of the Russian Permanent Mission 2004), South and Central America, Middle and Far East, Africa). He is also a chamber musician, coach and consultant for a number of productions. In order to reach a new audience, he traveled to the most distant places in the world, where he has so far performed in the Polynesian atolls, the Spitzbergen, in ancient Roman theaters in Africa and in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.


  • Newspaper article: Nürnberger Zeitung, March 2, 1989, B. Breithaupt: "Four Krakauer Temperamentse"
  • The New Yorker Nov. 18, 1991, p. 22; Village Voice, November 1991, "TDK Serious Radio. Selective Guide to the most interesting radio programming on the air"
  • The New York Times, March 15, 1998
  • Depeche du Midi, March 26, 2003, M. Rabez: "Joseph Kaputska (sic!), Pianiste de talent"
  • Le Figaro, October 27, 2006: "Tentative d'operette en Dingochine de Serge Valetti: critique du Figaro"
  • 20 minutes Europe, October 30, 2006, text: C. Sainsard
  • Pariscope, March 15-21 November 2006
  • Paul Krzywicki: " From Paderewski to Penderecki: The Polish Musician in Philadelphia ". Lulu Publishing Services, 2016, p. 106 Google books

Web links

Commons : Jozef Kapustka  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files