Youth and Family Ministers' Conference

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The Youth and Family Ministers' Conference of the Federal States (JFMK) is the permanent specialist conference of the ministers and senators of the German federal states responsible for child, youth and family policy . It advises and decides on fundamental matters relating to child, youth and family policy within the scope of the jurisdiction of the federal states and serves to jointly discuss legal, technical and political issues. In particular, topics relating to youth work , child day care , educational support , youth media protection or the further development of a needs-based family policy are regularly discussed . The JFMK works closely with other specialist ministerial conferences such as B. the Standing Conference .

Since the responsibility for child and youth policy in some countries is divided between different ministries, these countries are represented in the JFMK by two ministers or senators; each country only has one vote when it comes to passing resolutions. The Federal Minister for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth takes part in the annual meeting as a permanent guest. The resolutions of the Youth and Family Ministers' Conference are prepared in spring by the Working Group of the Supreme State Youth and Family Authorities (AGJF) , which also ensures implementation in autumn.

The chairmanship and management of the JFMK change annually between the countries, since 2014 in alphabetical order. In 2020, Minister for Social Affairs and Integration Manfred Lucha and State Secretary for Culture, Youth and Sport Volker Schebesta , Baden-Württemberg , will chair the JFMK.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. a b JFMK> Tasks (accessed June 11, 2019).
  2. JFMK> Members (accessed June 11, 2019).