Jules Horrent

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Jules Horrent (born April 11, 1920 in Seraing , † September 11, 1981 in Neuville, village in the Francorchamps district of Stavelot , Belgium) was a Belgian Romanist , Hispanic, Italianist, Lusitanist and Medievalist.

life and work

Horrent was a student of Maurice Delbouille and from 1942 to 1948 his assistant in Liège . He received his doctorate in 1947 with the unpublished work Recherches sur "La Chanson de Roland" dans les littératures de la péninsule ibérique and in 1949 passed the agrégation with the Thèse La chanson de Roland dans les littératures française et espagnole au Moyen age (Paris 1951), in which the dissertation was received. From 1952 to 1956 he was Chargé de cours, from 1956 full professor for Romance languages ​​and literatures at the University of Liège .

From 1971 Horrent taught in Liège philology of the Romance languages, as well as Spanish, Hispanic-American, Italian, Portuguese and Brazilian literary history.

Jules Horrent was awarded the Francqui Prize in 1968 in the presence of the King . He was a member of the Académie Royale de Belgique from 1973 and of the Real Academia Española from 1979 .

Other works

  • Roncesvalles, étude sur le fragment de cantar de geste conservé à l'Archivo de Navarra (Pampelune), Paris 1951
  • Le Pèlerinage de Charlemagne. Essai d'explication littéraire avec des notes de critique textuelle, Paris 1961
  • Historia y poesía en torno al "Cantar del Cid", Barcelona 1973
  • Chanson de Roland et Geste de Charlemagne, 2 vols., Heidelberg 1981–1985 (Outline of the Romanesque literatures of the Middle Ages 3 A 1)
  • (Ed.) Cantar de mío Cid, 2 vols., Gent 1982


  • Etudes de Philologie Romane et d'Histoire Littéraire offertes à Jules Horrent à l'occasion de son soixantième anniversaire, ed. by Jean-Marie D'Heur and Nicoletta Cherubini, Lüttich 1980 (with list of publications)
  • G. de Montpellier in: Bulletin de la Classe de lettres de l'Académie royale de Belgique 67, 1981, pp. 333-335
  • Maurice Delbouille in: Le Moyen Age 88, 1982, pp. 195-198
  • Juan Victorio in: Revista de filología española 62, 1982, pp. 99-103
  • Jeanne Wathelet-Willem in: Cahiers de civilization médiévale 25, 1982, pp. 165-168
  • Rita Lejeune : Notice sur Jules Horrent (obituary), in: Annuaire de l'Académie royale de Belgique 149, 1983, pp. 153–198 (with picture and list of publications, PDF )

Web links