Jules Molk

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Jules Molk (born December 8, 1857 in Strasbourg , † May 7, 1914 in Nancy ) was a French mathematician . He was a professor at Nancy University .


Molk studied at the ETH Zurich (Polytechnic, graduated in 1877), in Berlin and Paris and received his doctorate from the University of Berlin under Leopold Kronecker in 1884 . From 1890 he taught applied mathematics and mechanics in Nancy. Molk dealt with elliptical functions , about which he wrote a monograph with Jules Tannery (1848-1910), and was from 1902 the editor of the French edition of the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences , which he saw as a promotion of mathematical historiography. In 1906 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .


  • with Jules Tannery Éléments de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques , 4 volumes, Paris 1893, volume 1


  • Gustaf Eneström : Jules Molk (1857–1914) as a promoter of exact mathematical-historical research , Bibliotheca Mathematica, Volume 14, 1913/14, pp. 336–340.
  • H. Vogt: Jules Molk, December 8, 1857 - May 7, 1914 , L'Enseignement mathématique, Volume 16, 1914, 380–383.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biography in Dauben, Scriba Writing the history of Mathematics , Birkhäuser 2002
  2. Jules Molk in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used