Julià Reig Ribó

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Julià Reig i Ribó (born December 5, 1911 in Sant Julià de Lòria ; † January 2, 1996 ibid) was an Andorran businessman and politician.


As the son of the company's founder, Julià Reig i Roqueta , he continued to run the tobacco factory in Andorra after his father's death. In 1956 he founded Banca Reig . Julià Reig Ribó was President ( Síndico General ) of the Parliament of Andorra from 1960 to 1967 and later between 1973 and 1979. He is considered the founder of the social insurance for workers Seguretat Social in Andorra. Was also instrumental in creating the basis for the fire service (Bomberos de Andorra). As Síndico General he also decreed the legal equality between men and women and set up schools in all parishes. The right to vote for women was introduced in 1971.

After his death, a foundation was named after his name, which today also operates the Tobacco Museum in Andorra .
