Julia Lossau

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Julia Lossau (* 1971) is a German geographer and professor of human geography at the University of Bremen. The focus is on urban geography . She is considered a representative of post-colonial theory , especially in the field of human geography.


After graduating in geography and studying sociology and urban development at the universities of Würzburg and Bonn, Julia Lossau worked on her dissertation in the field of political geography .  

From 2001 to 2003 she was a Marie Curie Fellow in the Department for Geography and Topographic Science at the University of Glasgow. With the Marie Curie Actions , the European Union wants to promote the international and cross-sectoral careers of scientists. The title of her research project there was "Rebuilding the living city. Urban planning and public art".

Her doctoral thesis at the University of Bonn was published in 2002 under the title "The Politics of Localization. A Postcolonial Journey to Another Geography of the World". From 2003 to 2005 Julia Lossau was a research assistant at the Geographical Institute of Heidelberg University.

Since October 2012, Lossau has been Professor of Human Geography with a focus on urban geography at the Institute for Geography at the University of Bremen. From 2006 to 2012 she held a junior professorship for cultural geography at the Humboldt University in Berlin, where she completed her habilitation in 2009 on the subject of "Geography and the cultural turn. On the production of spatial reality in urban contexts. The example of art in public space."

"The Politics of Location"

Lossaus “The Politics of Location. A postcolonial journey to a> different <geography of the world ”emerged from her dissertation in 2002 at the universities of Würzburg and Bonn. It is an attempt to translate a criticism of anthropogeography into the formulation of an alternative, a "different" geography.

Both scenarios, the “clash of cultures” as well as the “dialogue of cultures”, are understood as complementary strategies that literally put a contingent world in order by locating cultural identity. In keeping with post-colonial theory, the author does not stop at pure deconstruction work, but rather sets out to look for other possibilities of localization.


Monographs and editorships (selection)

  • Lossau, Julia; Stevens, Quentin (ed.) (2015): The Uses of Art in Public Space. New York, London: Routledge.
  • Lossau, Julia; Freytag, Tim u. Lippuner, Roland (ed.) (2014): Key terms in cultural and social geography. Stuttgart: Ulm UTB.
  • At last, Wilfried; Hostert, Patrick; Kowarik, Ingo; Kulke, Elmar; Lossau, Julia; Marzluff, John; van der Meer, Elke; Mieg, Harald; Useful man, Gunnar; Schulz, Marlies u. Wessolek, Gerd (Ed.) (2011): Perspectives in Urban Ecology. Studies of ecosystems and interactions between humans and nature in the metropolis of Berlin. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.
  • Lossau, Julia (2009): Geography and cultural turn. For the production of spatial reality in urban contexts. The example of art in public space. Habilitation thesis. Berlin: Humboldt University of Berlin.
  • Flitner, Michael; Lossau, Julia (ed.) (2005): Thematic locations. Münster: LIT Verlag (2nd edition 2006).
  • Lossau, Julia (2002): The politics of localization. A post-colonial journey to another geography of the world . Bielefeld: transcript.

Articles in journals and anthologies (selection)

  • Stevens, Quentin; Lossau, Julia (2015): Framing art and its uses in public space. In: Lossau, Julia; Stevens, Quentin (ed.): The uses of art in public space . New York, London: Routledge, 1-16.
  • Lossau, Julia (2015): The Art of Place-Making: Urban Spatial Constitution as a Social Practice. In: Europa Regional 13, 1–2, 72–81.
  • Lossau, Julia (2015): Tree planting: The use of public art as social practice. In: Lossau, Julia; Stevens, Quentin (ed.): The uses of art in public space. New York, London: Routledge, 83-97.
  • Lossau, Julia (2014): Culture and Identity . In: Lossau, Julia; Freytag, Tim; Lippuner, Roland (2014): Key terms in cultural and social geography . Stuttgart: Ulmer, 25-37.
  • Lossau, Julia (2013): Political geography and postcolonial theory - territories, identities, entanglements. In: Belina, Bernd (ed.): State and space . Stuttgart: Steiner, 95-108.
  • Lossau, Julia (2012): Geography, the visual, and public art: Exploring the new Gorbals landscape. In: Depkat, Volker u. Zwingenberger, Meike (ed.): Visual cultures - transatlantic perspectives . Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 175–194.
  • Lossau, Julia (2012): Postcolonial Geography: Boundaries, Locations, Interrelations. In: Reuter, Julia u. Karentzos, Alexandra (ed.): Key works of postcolonial studies . Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 355-364.
  • Lossau, Julia (2012): Postcolonial Impulses for German-speaking Geographical Development Research. In: Geographica Helvetica 67, 3, 125-132.
  • Lossau, Julia (2012): Spatial Turn . In: Eckardt, Frank (ed.): Handbuch Stadtsoziologie . Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 185-198.
  • Lossau, Julia (2011): Postcolonial Approaches: On the Relationship between Cultural Identity and Space. In: Gebhardt, Hans; Glaser, Rüdiger; Radtke, Ulrich u. Reuber, Paul (ed.): Geography. Physical geography and human geography. 2nd, completely revised edition. Heidelberg: Spectrum, 653-660.
  • Lossau, Julia; Winter, Katharina (2011): The social construction of city nature: Exploring temporary uses of open green space in Berlin . In: Endlicher, Wilfried (ed.): Perspectives in Urban Ecology. Studies of ecosystems and interactions between humans and nature in the metropolis of Berlin . Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 333-345.
  • Lossau, Julia (2011): Responses to the Nomos: Postcolonialism. In: Legg, Stephen (eds.): Spatiality, Sovereignty and Carl Schmitt. Geographies of the Nomos . London: Routledge, 251-259.
  • Lippuner, Roland; Lossau, Julia (2010): Critique of the room sweeping . In: Günzel, Stephan (ed.): Space. An interdisciplinary manual . Stuttgart: Metzler, 110-119.
  • Lossau, Julia (2009): Entry "Anthropogeography (After Ratzel) ". In: Kitchin, Rob; Thrift, Nigel (ed.): International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier, 140-147.
  • Lossau, Julia (2009): Spaces of importance. Spatial turn, cultural turn and geography. In: Czáky, Moritz; Leitgeb, Christoph (ed.): Communication, memory, space . Bielefeld: transcript, 29-43.
  • Lossau, Julia (2008): Cultural geography as perspective. On the debate about the cultural turn in human geography - an interim balance. In: Reports on German regional studies 82, 4, 317-334.
  • Lossau, Julia (2008): 'New urbanity' and contemporary forms of public art. Notes on Citizen Firefighter (Kenny Hunter). In: Geography 62, 4, 329-337.
  • Lossau, Julia (2008): Pitfalls of thirdspace: rethinking the ambivalent logic of spatial semantics. In: Ikas, Karin u. Wagner, Gerhard (ed.): Communicating in the third space . New York: Routledge, 62-78.


  • Lossau, Julia (2002): The politics of localization. A post-colonial journey to another geography of the world . Bielefeld: transcript.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. memory spaces
  2. ^ University of Bremen - Institute for Geography. Retrieved November 13, 2018 .
  3. Julia Lossau: The politics of localization. A post-colonial journey to a 'different' geography of the world. Diss. ( Perlentaucher.de [accessed on November 13, 2018]).
  4. transcript: The Politics of Localization. Retrieved November 13, 2018 .