Julius Fritzsche

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Julius Fritzsche (born March 25, 1844 in Dresden , † 1907 in Berlin ) was a German theater actor , artistic director and theater manager .


He enjoyed his artistic training with the playwright Joachim Lederer and with the ballet master Joseph Lepitre . He began his stage career in Amberg, where he made his debut on October 23, 1859 in "Georg" in "Anna-Liese". He then worked in Ulm, Ljubljana, Salzburg, Prague, Karltheater (Vienna), Pressburg, Esseg. In all of these engagements he played lover, bon vivant and hero roles, but was also used in operettas due to his versatility and musical talent. Soon, however, this activity no longer filled him alone and he took over the management of the theater in Orowica . In the same capacity he worked in Becskerek , Kaschau, Esseg , Teschen, Budweis, Laibach and Olmütz until he finally managed to take over the management of the Carl-Schultze-Theater in Hamburg. Finally he went to Berlin in 1881, where he re-founded the Friedrich Wilhelmstädtisches Theater. He bought the former Woltersdorff Theater , had it completely rebuilt and splendidly furnished, and established the Friedrich Wilhelmstädtische Theater here with the same company and the same members based on the previous operetta tradition.

Fritzsche was married to the operetta singer Josephine Wagner from 1899 .

He died in Berlin in 1907.


  • Ludwig Eisenberg : Large biographical lexicon of the German stage in the XIX. Century . Published by Paul List , Leipzig 1903, p. 292