Julius Guggenheimer

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Julius Guggenheimer (born February 18, 1885 in Memmingen , † June 4, 1943 in Sobibor ) was a German businessman and photographer. As Jews , he and his family were forced to emigrate in 1939. They settled in Amsterdam. From there, Julius and Regina Guggenheimer were first interned in the Westerbork transit camp and then deported to Sobibor, where they were murdered. The two children managed to escape to England.


Julius Guggenheimer lived as the scion and heir of an established merchant family in Memmingen in Upper Swabia . On November 14, 1912, he married Regina Kornelie Metzger in Landau / Pfalz. He lived with her and their two children, Lotte-Lore and Fritz, at Kalchstrasse 8 in Memmingen. Even in Memmingen he was an enthusiastic and extremely ambitious amateur photographer. After emigrating to Amsterdam, he opened a photo studio there, “Guggs Photos”.


Stumbling block for Julius Guggenheimer in front of the Kalchstrasse 8 property in Memmingen

On June 29, 2014, stumbling blocks were let in for Julius Guggenheimer and his wife in front of the house in Memmingen as a reminder. These were supplemented on September 12, 2015 by stumbling blocks for the two children.

An exhibition in the MEWO Kunsthalle in Memmingen made the photographic work public for the first time in 2016.


Collections / holdings

Works (photographs, negatives and drawings) by Julius Guggenheimer can be found in the following collections:

  • MEWO art gallery Memmingen
  • City archive Memmingen
  • Nederlands Photo Museum Rotterdam
  • Leiden University Library
  • Ottobeuren Benedictine Abbey
  • City Museum Munich
  • Jewish Museum Berlin
  • Nationaal Archief Den Haag / Collectie Spaarnestad


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographies
  2. ^ Stolpersteine ​​in Memmingen eV: The Julius and Regina Kornelie Guggenheimer family. (PDF) Retrieved September 12, 2019 .
  3. Stolpersteine ​​in Memmingen eV: List of stones laid so far. (XLSX) Retrieved September 12, 2019 .
  4. ^ MEWO art gallery: Julius Guggenheimer: photographer. Retrieved September 12, 2019 .