Junta para Ampliación de Estudios

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The Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas was a public institution for the promotion of science in Spain . It existed from 1907 to 1939.

The Association for the Advancement of Studies and Scientific Research was created by royal decree in 1907. She continued the tradition of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza , founded in 1873 , and made a contribution to opening up Spain to modern Western culture and science.

That of Alfonso XIII. The founding decree signed on January 11, 1907 contained a preamble drawn up by the then Minister Amalio Gimeno . This referred to the tradition of interreligious and international contacts in Spanish intellectual life, which went back to the Middle Ages, and thus latently criticized the cultural isolation of the country in the following centuries, which was caused by Catholic traditionalism. On January 15, 1907, another royal decree appointed the members of the governing committee of the new institution. They were: Santiago Ramón y Cajal , José Echegaray , Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo , Joaquín Sorolla , Joaquin Costa , Vicente Santa María de Paredes , Alejandro San Martín , Julián Calleja Sánchez , Eduardo Vicenti , Gumersindo de Azcárate , Luis Simarro , Ignacio Bolívar , Ramón Menéndez Pidal , José Casares Gil , Adolfo Álvarez Buylla , José Rodríguez Carracido , Julián Ribera y Tarragó , Leonardo de Torres Quevedo , José Marvá , José Fernández Jiménez and Victoriano Fernández Ascarza . As a result, the junta ran an active program of professor and researcher exchange and created numerous scholarships abroad. Santiago Ramón y Cajal acted as president, and his general secretary José Castillejo as "Eminence Gray" . Second and last president was Ignacio Bolívar . Furthermore, were active here Cándido Bolívar , Pío del Río Hortega , Julio Rey Pastor , Blas Cabrera , Miguel Catalán , Enrique Moles , José Royo , Faustino Miranda , Odon de Buen , Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Tomás Navarro Tomás , Américo Castro , Luis de Zulueta and María de Maeztu .

The junta set up a number of other institutions, such as the Centro de Estudios Históricos , the Residencia de Estudiantes and the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Físico-Naturales and integrated existing research facilities such as the Museo Antropológico , the Museo de Ciencias Naturales and the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid .

The contacts and the exchange with Latin America received special support.

The spirit of modernization and reform represented by initiatives such as the junta, however, did not meet with the approval of conservative Catholic circles, who saw more Masonic activities at work here. The Francoist government meeting in Burgos therefore dissolved the junta for its sphere of influence by decree of May 19, 1938, and on November 24, 1939, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) , which still exists today, took over all of its facilities and research facilities.


  • Formentín Ibáñez, Justo y Jose María Villegas Sanz. Relaciones Culturales entre España y América: the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios . Madrid. Mapfre, 1992.
  • Laporta, FJ, Miguel A Ruiz, Zapatero, V. y J. Solana. Los orígenes culturales de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios . Arbor, CXXVI / 493 (Madrid, enero de 1987).
  • López Sánchez, José María. Heterodoxos españoles. El Centro de Estudios Históricos, 1910-1936 . Madrid. Marcial Pons-CSIC. 2006.
  • Marín Eced, T. La renovación pedagógica en España (1907-1936): los pensionados en pedagogía por la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios . Madrid. CSIC. 1990. [1]
  • Naranjo Orovio, Consuelo, L. Maria Dolores Luque y Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper (editores). Los lazos de la cultura. El Centro de Estudios Históricos de Madrid y la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1916-1939 . Madrid. CSIC-Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2002. [2]
  • Puig-Samper Mulero, MA (Ed.). Tiempos de investigación: JAE-CSIC, cien años de ciencia en España . Madrid. CSIC. 2007. [3]
  • Sánchez Ron, José María (coordinador). 1907-1987. La Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas 80 años después . 2 vols. Madrid. CSIC. 1988. Vol. I Vol. II

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