Justine Toms

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Justine Toms (2019)

Justine Toms ( Bulgarian Жюстин Томс , * 1971 in Sofia ) is a Bulgarian entrepreneur , university lecturer and author .


Toms was born in Sofia in 1971. She completed a master's degree in philosophy , pedagogy and French philology at the University of Sofia . She has been working in digital marketing since 1998 and owns her own agency. In addition, Toms has been a lecturer at the New Bulgarian University (NBU) and the “Software University” (СофтУни, SoftUni ) since 2007 .

Toms is in the Bulgarian Internet - community well known and has about 20 books on the subjects of Internet, online marketing and start-up published.

Extra-professional engagement

In 2014, Toms started the online book initiative “Книгата, която ме вдъхновява” (the book that inspires me) with JobTiger's Svetlozar Petrov to encourage people to read more . Another initiative is "Училище за бъдеще." (School of the Future) for which four events with 100 teachers each took place in 2018 and 2019. Toms is a volunteer in the worldwide Wikimedia movement .

Publications (selection)

  • «Основи на уеб дизайна. Принципи, технологии, възможности. » 2004.
  • «Интернет рекламата. Мисията - възможнаИнтернет рекламата. Мисията - възможна. » 2005.
  • with Горица Василева Белогушева: «Онлайн маркетинг. Мисия още по-възможна. » 2007.
  • with Камелия Георгиева: «Инструменти за социални мрежи. маркетинг в епохата на Web 2.0. » 2011.
  • with Павлина Димитрова Козарова: «Основи на успешния бизнес тук и сега. съвети за млади предприемачи и мениджъри. » 2012.
  • with Симеон Младенов Колев: «Мисия“ татко ”.» 2015.
  • with Богдана Трифонова: "Мисия мама." 2016.

Web links

Commons : Justine Toms  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence