Kęstutis Lapinskas

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Kęstutis Lapinskas (born January 29, 1937 in Bedaliai, Rajongemeinde Šakiai ) is a Lithuanian constitutional lawyer and lecturer at Vilnius University , former presiding judge of the Lithuanian Constitutional Court and politician.


After graduating from high school, Kęstutis Lapinskas graduated from the Law Faculty of Vilnius University in 1960 and after studying from 1963 to 1966 at Lomonossow University in Moscow , he did his doctorate on the subject of “Legal Status of Industrial Associations ” (lit. “Pramonės susivienijimų teisinė padėtis ”).

From 1966 to 1990 he was a professor in the Law Faculty of Vilnius University, lecturer (since 1983), head of the Chair of Constitutional Law (from 1973 to 1990). From 1993 to 1999 and 2002 to 2011 he was a judge of the Constitutional Court, from 2008 to 2011 as chairman. From 1999 to 2000 he was head of the administrative department of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal , and from 2000 to 2002 he was head of the Lithuanian Administrative Court .

Kęstutis Lapinskas is married and has two daughters and a son.
