Cabinet Šķēle III

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The Šķēle III cabinet was the eighth government of Latvia after independence in 1990. It was in office from July 16, 1999 to May 5, 2000.

After Prime Minister Vilis Krištopans announced his resignation on July 5, 1999, President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga tasked the former Prime Minister and Chairman of the People's Party, Andris Šķēle, with forming a government on July 12 . The center-right coalition made up of the People's Party (TP), Latvia's Way (LC) and For Fatherland and Freedom (TB / LNNK) had 62 of the 100 seats in parliament. On July 16, the new government was elected by the Saeima with 60 votes (37 against and 3 abstentions).

In December 1999, the controversial language law was passed, which prescribed the basic use of the Latvian language on public occasions and was perceived as discriminatory by the Russian-speaking minority. Accession negotiations with the European Union began on February 15, 2000.

The dispute over the privatization of the last large state-owned companies culminated on April 6, 2000 with the dismissal of Minister of Economics Makarovs . The LC and TB then withdrew their support from Šķēle, who resigned on April 12. The Mayor of Riga Andris Bērziņš (LC) became Prime Minister of the successor government , which, in addition to the three previous coalition partners, also included the New Party (JP).

Cabinet members

Department Surname Political party Term of office
Prime Minister Andris Šķēle TP July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Defense Minister Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis TB / LNNK July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Foreign minister Indulis Bērziņš LC July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Economics Minister Vladimir Makarovs TB / LNNK July 16, 1999 - April 6, 2000
Andris Šķēle (acting) TP April 6, 2000 - May 5, 2000
Finance minister Edmunds Krastiņš TP July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Interior minister Mareks Segliņš TP July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister for Education and Science Silva Golde TP July 16, 1999 - December 8, 1999
Minister for Education and Science Andris Šķēle (acting) TP December 8, 1999
Vladimir's Makarovs (acting) TB / LNNK December 9, 1999 - December 12, 1999
Andris Šķēle (acting) TP December 12, 1999 - December 16, 1999
Māris Vītols TP December 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of Culture Karina Pētersone LC July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of Social Affairs Roberts Jurdžs TB / LNNK July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of transport Anatolijs Gorbunovs LC July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of Justice Valdis Birkavs LC July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of Agriculture Aigars Kalvītis TP December 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of Environment and Regional Development Vents Balodis TB / LNNK July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of State
Minister of Special Affairs for Cooperation and the International Financial Organizations in the Ministry of Finance Roberts Zīle TB / LNNK July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000
Minister of State for Special Affairs for Public and Local Administration Reform Jānis Bunkšs LC July 16, 1999 - May 5, 2000


Political party
Latvian Way (LC)
For Fatherland and Freedom (TB / LNNK)
People's Party (TP)

Web links

Latvijas Republikas valdības sastāvs 1999.g. 16.jūlijs - 2000.g.5.maijs. (PDF) Government of Latvia, accessed August 10, 2019 (Latvian).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Thomas Schmidt: The political system of Latvia . In: Wolfgang Ismayr (Ed.): The political systems of Eastern Europe . 3rd, updated and revised edition. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-17181-4 , p. 143 .
  2. Mario von Baratta (ed.): Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2000 . Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt am Main 1999, ISBN 3-596-72000-1 , Sp. 482-484 .
  3. Mario von Baratta (ed.): Der Fischer Weltalmanach 2001 . Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISBN 3-596-72001-X , Sp. 490-492 .