Cabinet Louis Botha I

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General Louis Botha
Cabinet Botha I (1910)

The Cabinet Louis Botha I was formed on May 31, 1910 after the founding of the South African Union by the merger of the four British colonies Cape Colony , Natal , the Orange River Colony and the Transvaal Colony . Louis Botha became the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa and was seen as a link with the United Kingdom through his popularity with the Boers as well as among the English-speaking population . On September 15, 1910, the first elections to the People's Assembly (Volksraad van Suid-Afrika) took place, won by the Het Volk von Botha party, which had previously merged with other parties to form the South African party SAP ( Suid-Afrikaanse Party ) . SAP received 55.37 percent of the vote and 67 of 121 seats in parliament, the Unionist Party UP (Unionisteparty) by Leander Starr Jameson 32.23 percent and 39 seats. On non-party candidates accounted for 9.09 percent and eleven seats, and the Labor Party SALP ( Arbeiders Party ) came to 3.31 percent and four seats.

After the election on October 20, 1915, Botha formed his second cabinet .

Botha I cabinet (1910–1915)

Ministerial post Official photo Political party Term of office
prime minister General Louis Botha Louis Botha SAP 1910-1915
Minister for Native American Affairs Henry Burton
General Barry Hertzog
Jacobus Wilhelmus Sauer
Barry Hertzog SAP 1910-1912
Finance minister Henry Charles Hull
General Jan Christiaan Smuts
Jan Christiaan Smuts SAP 1910-1912
Minister of Justice General Barry Hertzog
Jacobus Wilhelmus Sauer
Nicolaas Jacobus de Wet
Barry Hertzog SAP 1910-1912
Defense Minister General Jan Christiaan Smuts Jan Christiaan Smuts SAP 1910-1915
Interior minister General Jan Christiaan Smuts
Abraham Fischer
General Jan Christiaan Smuts
Jan Christiaan Smuts SAP 1910-1912
Minister for Railways and Ports Jacobus Wilhelmus Sauer
Henry Burton
SAP 1910-1912
Minister for Lands Abraham Fischer
Hendrik Schalk Theron
SAP 1910-1913
Minister of Agriculture General Louis Botha
Jacobus Wilhelmus Sauer
General Louis Botha
Hendrik Christiaan van Heerden
Louis Botha SAP 1910-1912
Minister of Education François Stephanus Malan SAP 1910-1915
Minister for Trade and Industry Frederick Robert Moore
George Leuchars
SAP 1910-1911
Mining Minister General Jan Christiaan Smuts
François Stephanus Malan
General Jan Christiaan Smuts SAP 1910-1912
Minister for Public Works David Pieter de Villiers Graaff
Thomas Watt
David Pieter de Villiers Graaff SAP 1910-1912
Post Minister David Pieter de Villiers Graaff
George Leuchars
Thomas Watt
David Pieter de Villiers Graaff SAP 1910-1912
Minister with no portfolio Charles O'Grady Gubbins
David Pieter de Villiers Graaff
Jacobus Arnoldus Combrick Graaf
David Pieter de Villiers Graaff SAP 1910-1912

See also

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