Kalasha (language)

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Kalasha (Kalasha-mum)

Spoken in

speaker about 5000
Language codes
ISO 639-3


Kalasha (also Kalasha-mum or Kalashamondr ) is an Indo-European language in the Indo-Aryan branch , spoken by the Kalasha people and classified as the Dardic language in the Chitral group . The Kalasha language is phonologically atypical in that it contrasts simple, long, nasal, and retroflex vowels, as well as combinations thereof. The Latin script is used.

Kalasha is spoken by the Kalasha who live in the remote valleys of Bumburet, Birir, and Rumbur, west of Ayun, about 16 km downriver from Chitral City in the Hindu Kush Mountains in the Pakistani province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . The Kalashes have their own Indo-European religion with gods and goddesses. There are an estimated 5,000 Kalasha speakers.

Kalasha should not be confused with the nearby Nuristani language Waigali (Kalasha-ala). “Kalasha” is also the ethnic name for the Nuristani residents in the Waigal in the Afghan province of Nuristan . The name "Kalasha" seems to have been adopted for the Kalash people by the Kalasha speakers of Chitral from the Nuristanis of Waigal, who a few centuries ago had temporarily extended to southern Chitral. However, there is no close connection between the Indo-Aryan language Kalasha-mun (Kalasha) and the Nuristani language Kalasha-ala (Waigali). The two languages ​​come from different Indo-Iranian branches.

There are some vocabulary similarities between Kalasha and other Indo-Aryan languages . There are also some similarities to other Indo-European languages ​​such as German , English , Latin , Persian or Slavic languages . B. the numbers from 1 to 10.


  1. Glottolog 4.1 - Kalasha. Retrieved March 30, 2020 .
  2. Kalasha. Accessed March 30, 2020 (English).
  3. 1998 census in Pakistan. (1998 Census Report of Pakistan. (2001). Population Census Organization, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan.)