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Kamdesh district
Districts of Nuristan Province;  Kamdesh in yellow
Districts of Nuristan Province; Kamdesh in yellow
Basic data
Country Afghanistan
province Nuristan
ISO 3166-2 AF ONLY

Coordinates: 35 ° 28 '  N , 71 ° 19'  E

Kamdesh is a district in the Afghan province of Nuristan .

Originally the district was in Kunar Province . In 2001 it was incorporated into the newly established Nuristan Province.


In the east the district borders on Pakistan . In the north lies the Bargi Mata district , in the west the Wama district and in the south-west the Waygal district . In the south, Kamdesh borders on the province of Kunar .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Afghanistan Administrative Divisions" map, March 2007, Afghanistan Information Management Services (AIMS)
  2. ^ "Afghanistan" political map, 1986, United States Central Intelligence Agency