Karel Eduard van Charante

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Karel Eduard van Charante (born November 2, 1894 in Utrecht , † August 1, 1985 there ) was a Dutch fascist .

Van Charante was a trained tax advisor and member of the Algemene Nederlandse Fascistenbond (General Dutch Fascist Association [ANFB]), where he was active from 1932 to 1933 in the reconstruction commission. When he left the ANFB, he founded the Nederlandsche Fascisten Unie (Dutch Fascist Union) in February 1933. He was the top candidate in the parliamentary elections in 1933. After the Second World War he was sentenced to death for passing on information to the German army.

This sentence was later commuted to a twenty-year prison term.

Van Charante was the grandson of the poet Nicolaas Antonie van Charante .