Karin Lüsebrink

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Karin Luesebrink , alternative spelling Karin Luesebrink (born September 6, 1908 in the German Reich , † after 1961 probably in Berlin) was a German actress on stage and in film.

Live and act

Nothing is known about Karin Lüsebrink's career and any theater work before her film debut, and there are no permanent engagements to be made out. In the one decade of her intensive work in front of the camera in the Third Reich (1933/34 to 1943/44), she played an abundance of supporting roles, including young women of all kinds: sometimes she was a barmaid, a number girl and an animation girl, then another good bourgeois daughter, a music student, a friend or a wife, and finally a cashier, a secretary and a nurse. None of these 30 or so roles left a lasting impression. Even after 1945 there was no evidence of Karin Lüsebrink's involvement in a theater festival, but she still appeared in front of the camera from time to time until the mid-1950s. Lüsebrink's last known residential address was in the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin W 15 in 1961 .



  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 2: Hed – Peis. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560744 , p. 1038.

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