Karin Logemann

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Karin Logemann, 2018

Karin Logemann (born January 17, 1961 in Berne ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament .


Karin Logemann initially trained as a kindergarten teacher. After many years as a daily newspaper journalist, she completed further training as an IT systems clerk and worked as a marketing assistant in an IT company. From 2005 she was self-employed with her own public relations agency.

Logemann has been a member of the SPD since 2006. Since 2001 she has been a member of the council of the community of Berne, since 2006 also of the district council of the Wesermarsch district . In October 2014 she moved up for Claus Peter Poppe via the state list in the Lower Saxony state parliament. In the state elections in 2017 , she was elected to the state parliament as a direct candidate in the state constituency of Wesermarsch . She is the spokeswoman for the SPD parliamentary group for food, agriculture, consumer protection and rural development. Logemann is a member of the parliament's committee for food, agriculture, consumer protection and regional development as well as of the ports and shipping subcommittee.

Logemann is married and has three daughters.

Web links

Commons : Karin Logemann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabriele Andretta (Ed.), Department for Press, Public Relations, Protocol: Lower Saxony State Parliament. Handbook of the Lower Saxony Parliament of the 18th electoral period. 2017 to 2022 , 1st edition, Hanover: Lower Saxony State Parliament, 2018, p. 97