Karl-Heinz Lünenstrasse

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Karl-Heinz Lünenstrasse (born November 28, 1919 in Dahlhausen , Ruhr , † May 16, 1963 in Mettmann ) was a German politician of the SPD .

Life and work

After an apprenticeship as typesetter from 1934 to 1937 and the subsequent Reich Labor Service , Lünenstraß worked as a graphic artist and typesetter until the outbreak of war in 1939. In the Second World War he was a soldier in the Navy. After the end of the war, he initially returned to the profession he had learned and participated in the founding of the IG Druck und Papier in Moers .

Political party

In the Weimar Republic , Lünenstrasse was a member of the falcons as a child . In 1945 he joined the SPD and helped to build up the Young Socialists in Moers. In 1947 Lünenstrasse became the full-time party secretary of the SPD in Geldern . In 1949 he moved to the Düsseldorf-Mettmann district in the same position .


Lünenstrasse had been a member of Mettmann's city council since 1952, where he was chairman of the SPD parliamentary group until 1956. In 1956 he was also elected to the district council in the Düsseldorf-Mettmann district. Lünenstrasse was a member of the German Bundestag from 1957 until his death .

Public offices

From 1956 to 1961 Lünenstrasse was mayor of Mettmann.