Karl-Josef Kluge

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Karl-Josef Kluge (born March 25, 1933 in Essen ) is a German educational scientist and professor emeritus in the field of educational assistance and emotional-social development support at the human sciences faculty of the University of Cologne .


Karl-Josef Kluge completed his training as a telecommunications engineer in 1949 . In 1960 he passed the examination for the teaching post at elementary schools and was a teacher until 1964. a. at a special school for educational assistance in Berlin. In 1965 he began as a research assistant at the chair for learning disabled and educationally difficult pedagogy at the Pädagogische Hochschule Ruhr . After completing his doctorate on the subject of pedagogy of the difficult to educate; a contribution to the practice and theory of education with difficulty education he was appointed in 1969 to the chair of education for difficult education at the University of Cologne. From 1968 to 1998 he was director of the seminar for pedagogy for the disabled at the former curative education faculty of the University of Cologne. In addition to his university activities, he worked from 1971 to 1978 as director of the State Youth Home for Special Education in Viersen / Rhineland.

Research and Teaching

Kluge's research interests include pedagogy for people with difficult upbringing / pedagogy for behavioral problems / educational therapy / pedagogy. At the beginning of the 1970s, he and his colleagues developed a training and project study system for the teacher training and diploma course, which included, among other things, the active participation of the students as well as practical, action-oriented and transfer-related training for university conditions. On the basis of the image of man “Christian social sciences”, “boy scout education” and “humanistic psychology” oriented towards the upbringing in his parents' house, Carl Rogers, Martin Buber , Reinhard and Anne-Marie Tausch, Peter Petersen, Ruth Cohn, Sir Robert Baden-Powell u. a. leads Karl-J. Kluge conducts “interactive workshops” at the University of Cologne.

His teaching and research work includes projects in the field of educational assistance, advisory science, talent management, parenting and family work, boarding school education, individual and group counseling / therapy, special promotion of individual (personalized) talent (s), change management in the reality of schools, partnerships: school and Parents, applied consulting science, humanistic pedagogy and psychology, critical thinking, group resource management training (GRM-T) in family, schools and companies, competence pedagogy in schools, families and universities as well as in boarding schools, high-quality communication competence (especially listening and language skills in teaching and counseling, also in families), self-science groups, innovative thinking (iT) and educational language.

He teaches, researches and tests further in areas of his teaching license: pedagogy of unexpected behavior, educational assistance and emotional-social development support. These areas include: school, work with parents, gifted education, school development, teacher training, advice, effective parenting and teacher behavior, youth and family support. He is also authorized to examine Bachelor and Master theses (written work and oral examination) in the field of educational science.

Individual activities / initiatives (selection)

  • "In-house training" with parents in youth and family welfare: "2nd Life Network"
  • “Refreshing training” for high school teachers and students in Herchen / NRW, New Jersey / USA and Portugal
  • Establishment of the Kluge Family Foundation at the University of Cologne
  • “Daring to be gifted” is a talent network on the Lower Rhine
  • Visiting professorships at the Universities of Tel Aviv, Connecticut / USA, Warsaw, Moscow, Zurich, Denmark and Sweden
  • “Lernspielstraßen” project group 1976–1978 in Viersen / Rhineland: an offer for marginalized children with their parents and teachers

Works (selection)

  • The 9th school year in the school for the disabled. Problems and ways of design. Marhold, Berlin 1971.
  • With Nicoletta von Randow: Children and student delinquency. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 1979, ISBN 3-534-07972-8 .
  • Creating a child-friendly environment: Janusz Korczak's educational system and its importance for special education and rehabilitation. Volume 7 of Reports on Educational Therapy and Integration Assistance, Minerva Publication 1981, ISBN 3-597-10198-4 .
  • Power mothers of gifted people. Volume 11 of Applied Gifted Education & Psychology in Family, School and Professional World LIT Verlag , Münster 2008, ISBN 3-825-81292-8 .
  • Gift Therapy. Volume 12 of Applied Gifted Education & Psychology in Family, School and Professional World, LIT Verlag, Münster 2009, ISBN 3-825-81801-2 .


  • Awarded the Korczak Medal
  • Awarded the Medal of Honor from Tel Aviv University


  • Klaus Fitting (Eds.), Eva Kluge, Eva Maria Sassenrath-Doepke: Pedagogy and Conspicuousness , - Deutscher Studienverlag Weinheim, 1996

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl-Josef Kluge. In: Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar Online. De Gruyter. Retrieved March 9, 2015.
  2. Human Sciences Faculty of the University of Cologne: Full Professor Dr. Karl-Josef Kluge. Retrieved March 9, 2015 .
  3. ^ Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Cologne: Family Kluge Foundation. Retrieved March 9, 2015 .