Karl Huefner

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Karl Ambrosius Hüfner (born October 24, 1864 in Speicherz ; † 1949 ) was a German judge .


During his studies in 1885 he became a member of the Germania fraternity in Würzburg . Hüfner received his doctorate. In 1889 Hüfner was sworn in to the Bavarian sovereign. In 1895 he became III. Prosecutor and magistrate the following year. In 1899 he was promoted to second public prosecutor and in 1902 to regional judge. In 1903 he was sent to the Imperial Patent Office for reasons of regional proportional representation . In 1904 he was appointed a secret councilor and in 1921 a senior councilor. On December 1, 1921, he came to the Reichsgericht . He was active in the 1st Civil Senate , IV Criminal Senate and VIII Civil Senate . He retired before 1932.

Fonts (selection)

  • Speech by the Imperial Court Councilor Dr. Hüfner, Leipzig from July 3, 1925 in the Gürzenich zu Cologne, Munich 1925.
  • The Art of Judicial Examination (Typewritten) around 1937
  • Art. 126. Right of petition (right of appeal and right of appeal), in: Nipperdey: The basic rights and basic duties of the Reich constitution, Volume II, Berlin 1930, p. 176 ff.
  • “Does the profession of a judge exclude political activity?” Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung , year 12 (1907), column 789 .
  • "Lectures on judicial eloquence and practical speech exercises at German universities" , Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, Volume 15 (1910), Sp. 993 .
  • "Determination of the wording of the patent specification by the patent office and listing of the name of the inventor in the patent specification" , MuW , 10 (1910), p. 365.
  • “The Technical Training of the Jurist” , Law, Volume XIV (1910). Sp. 97.
  • "Judicial office and the right to vote of women" , HirthsAnn 10, p. 442.
  • "The secret patent according to current law and from the point of view of necessary improvements" , GRUR 1911, p. 260.
  • “The public corporations within the meaning of the Imperial Constitution” , Leipzig Journal for German Law, Volume XIV (1920), Col. 777.


  • Adolf Lobe: "Fifty Years of the Reich Court on October 1, 1929" . Berlin 1929, p. 384.
  • Karl Hüfner: "Patent office experiences, experiences and memories" , in: Techniker und Juristen. Memories and reflections presented to the Reich Patent Office on the occasion of the 50th anniversary by former members. Berlin 1927, pp. 33-39.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the old men of the German fraternity. Überlingen am Bodensee 1920, p. 265.