Karl Philipp Mauve

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Karl Philipp Mauve (also Karl Philipp Mauve ; born May 19, 1754 in Tecklenburg ; † March 8, 1821 in Ibbenbüren ) was a Prussian district administrator in the Tecklenburg district from 1816 to 1821.


He was the son of the Royal Prussian War, Tax and Domain Council Carl Heinrich Mauve and his wife Christine Regine. After attending the Latin school in Lingen and then studying law in Duisburg, Karl Philipp Mauve went to Minden, where he did his preparatory service at the War and Domain Chamber. In 1773 Karl Philipp Mauve entered the civil service and on April 10, 1787 was appointed War and Domain Councilor and Deputatus and Commissioner of the Minden Chamber for Lingen. He was the customs director of the County of Lingen . On June 1, 1806, Mauve was entrusted with the administration of the Bevergern district. Subject to the approval of the Prussian king, he was appointed district administrator of the Tecklenburg district on August 9, 1816. The definitive appointment as district administrator was on January 16, 1817.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz Buss: Album Discipulorum Scholae Lingensis - the student directory of the Lingen Latin School (1689–1831) . Edition Virgines, Lingen 2020, ISBN 978-3-948229-07-8 , pp. 92 .