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The Karlsverein-Dombauverein , mostly just called Karlsverein , is a non-profit association for the promotion of the preservation and restoration of Aachen Cathedral .

The association was founded in 1847 by Aachen citizens as the Karlsverein for the restoration of the Aachen cathedral . Since April 17, 1899 it has been a legal person by royal Prussian cabinet order. In the course of time, the association changed its name from the Karlsverein for the restoration of the Aachen Cathedral to the Karlsverein for the restoration of the Aachen Cathedral and the Karlsverein for the restoration of the Aachen Cathedral (after the founding of the Aachen diocese in 1930) to the current name Karlsverein-Dombauverein .

The association currently (2016) has just over 2,750 members. The protector of the association is the respective bishop of Aachen, who, like the respective cathedral provost and mayor, is a member of the board. The current chairman of the Karlsverein is the chairman of the board of the Sparkasse Aachen, Hubert Herpers.

The Karlsverein publishes the Karlsverein-Dombauverein series of publications each year , which until 2015 comprises seventeen volumes. The Karlsverein has the sponsorship and administration of Dr. Hans Müllejans Foundation , the purpose of which is to provide financial support for the renovation and maintenance measures in terms of monument conservation. The foundation's assets have grown from an initial 200,000 euros to around 700,000 euros.


  • Herbert Lepper : "Preserve the cradle of the occidental culture of the world and posterity ...". The "Charles Association for the Restoration of the Aachen Minster" in the years 1945–1951 . In: Clemens Bayer. Karl Schein (Ed.): Domus orationis. Art and Church in the Rhenish Region after 1945. Prelate Erich Stephany in memory . Kühlen, Mönchengladbach 1994, ISBN 3-87448-171-9 , pp. 151-285.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Publication series Karlsverein-Dombauverein
  2. ^ Karlsverein - Dr. Hans Müllejans Foundation